ILERA World Congress 2018 Seoul - "Employment for A Sustainable Society: What to Be Done?"


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Subject Call for Organized Sessions
Date 17-04-28 11:01



Call for Organized Sessions

The Academic Committee of ILERA World Congress 2018 invites you to submit an interesting and inspiring session proposal regarding research, practice, and policy for labor and employment relations with the sustainable society. Submitted proposals will be evaluated and selected by the Academic Committee.
 Session organizers are required to provide a session abstract and description, identify participants (confirmed or invited), and provide the full contact information of all session participants at the time of submission.
 Accepted sessions will be held during the ILERA 18th World Congress on July 23-27, 2018 in Seoul, South Korea. The deadline for the submission of session proposal is August 31, 2017.
 All presenters in accepted organized sessions are required to submit their abstract to by January 31, 2018.

Session Submission Guidelines

ㅁ Please download the “Session Proposal Submission Form” and submit it to by August 31, 2017.
Please refer to the below session format.
- Time: 90 min.
- Participants: Maximum 6 participants (3-4 presenters and 2-3 discussants)
ㅁ Session Proposals will be reviewed by the Academic Committee and notified of their acceptance via email by September 30, 2017.

For any questions or to submit the Session Proposal Submission Form, please contact: